
Hi, Thank you for visiting my site. I'm Sagar, the founder of ShoesMatrix. I was a crazy sneakerhead since I was a child. From sneakers like Adidas, Nike, Reebok, and Asics to boots like Ariat, Timberlands, and Blundstone, I've tried them all. With over six years of experience in the footwear industry, I believe I am qualified to assist you with any footwear-related queries.

skechers vs nike

Skechers Vs. Nike: Everything You Need To Know!

After hearing about the settlement of their famous copyright infringement dispute, sneakerheads are again eying Skechers and Nike, their favored competitors. Nonetheless, looking at the market, the rivalry between these two entities is intense, complicating the decision-making process. Thus, which brand, Skechers or Nike, should one opt for? Both Nike and Skechers have an extensive

Skechers Vs. Nike: Everything You Need To Know! Read More »

nike air force vs nike court

Nike Air Force Vs. Court Vision: (5 Differences & Similarities!)

When you think of “top white sneakers,” do you picture the Nike Air Force 1? Unsurprisingly, these kicks have been on people’s minds for over 40 years. Because of the pricey AFs, footwear enthusiasts have turned to Nike Court Vision, often called wallet-friendly AFs. Consequently, some may believe that the two models are indistinguishable. But

Nike Air Force Vs. Court Vision: (5 Differences & Similarities!) Read More »

does nike make stee toe shoes

Does Nike Make Steel Toe Shoes? (Uncovering The Truth!)

Nike is well-known for having a diverse shoe collection. Nike has everything from running shoes to basketball shoes to soccer cleats. But what about those who work in hazardous environments with dangerous machinery? Is it true that Nike makes steel-toed shoes for them? Unfortunately, Nike does not offer steel-toed shoes. Numerous websites claiming that famous

Does Nike Make Steel Toe Shoes? (Uncovering The Truth!) Read More »

do air max run small, big or true to size

Does Nike Air Max Run Small, Big, Or True To Size? (All Facts Revealed!)

Nike Air Max technology has always been a significant boom in exhibiting performance with innovation, thanks to the innovative Air bag technology that quickly breaks you off the ground. However, because Nike is renowned for running small in size, many people wonder if the Air Max series also runs small. For people with standard foot

Does Nike Air Max Run Small, Big, Or True To Size? (All Facts Revealed!) Read More »

are on cloud shoes good for running

Are On Cloud Shoes Good for Running? (Yes Or No)

The Swiss company On Running created and manufactured the On Cloud footwear brand. The company, which was established in 2010, is renowned for its innovative and performance-oriented running shoes. The On Cloud footwear is characterized by its distinctive design, incorporating its patented CloudTec technology. The technology consists of hollow outsole pods providing cushioned landing and

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